Here are my first takes on the Volleyball team t-shirt I mentioned in the last post.
My first choice for the shirt, though I'd likely redo the happy bacon fellow in the upper right.Same as above, but wthout the delightful Happy Bacon fellow.The "Jump For Bacon" design that I also really liked (as did Steve "Ole-Pop" Olsen). I'd likely sub in teh afce of Enemy of Peanuts in a final design.A more detailed Happy Bacon.A Happy Bacon a colored in Corel Paint—a program with which I have a long way to go.A tee example I worked up over at
An addition that could be made to any of the “Reclined Bacon Lover” design, a la my lovely girlfriend Jessi, is that the bearded bacon aficionado could be wearing wrist bands to make him seem more sporty.
I’ll have to see what the team has to say and then do any redesigns. I’ll post any further versions here.
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