Big developments took place in the field of moustaches this week, as four of my co-workers from Dark Horse Comics decided to join the Movember campaign as members of Team Mammoth-Stache! Selflessly choosing to sacrifice their upper lips to the cause for 30 days this Movember, I’m thrilled that we’re more than a month away and these gentlemen have already taken the plunge into cancer-fighting by way of facial hair!
I’ve taken photos of each new member of Mammoth-Stache and run them through a complex moustache simulation matrix (also known as Photoshop) in order to give you a peek at what these brave men will look like in a few short weeks. These simulations are 100 percent accurate, with a 100 percent margin of error.
And now, without further ado, please allow me to introduce the newest members of Mammoth-Stache…

Their donation pages can be found here, here, here and also here, so go donate a few bucks! My donation page can be found here, and you can make a donation to the team by clicking here.
Thanks for joining up, gentlemen! I sincerely appreciate it!
And, hey folks, if you’d like to join up, just click here! It’s gonna be a blast!