Ok folks, the reader votes have been tallied and my winner has been selected, not to mention—and much more importantly— I’ve made my pick. So, it’s time to announce the first ever winners of the Loudest Monkey Semi-Annual Coloring Contest!
Taking how the prize of Reader’s Choice is Clay Stooshnoff a.k.a. (._Y_.)!

Even after subtracting the additional votes he admitted to on the WUMB, Clay pulled out the top spot via voting! But since this blog isn’t a freakin’ democracy, there is an overall winner that needs naming, and as the tyrannical king of this little corner of the interweb, it’s my job to lay down the law on this.
So, without further ado, the overall winner and champion of the coloring contest…it’s first entrant, KrptKrwly!

This entry just captured the soul of The Loudest Monkey right from the get go and set the bar high (way too high, in fact) for anyone to reach! Well done, Krpy! You are a winner in my book—and on this blog, that’s the only book that counts!
Also, a big thanks to everyone who participated! It was a ton of fun to kick off these coloring contests, and we got them off to a great start. Make sure to stay tuned here, because you never really know when another one of these puppies (and by puppies, I mean contests) is going to show up!