All Day Pizza Buffet: Way Too Much Coffee

I got so excited thinking about All Day Pizza Buffet‘s future and drawing on the commute that I doodled this up with some ballpoint pens on the back of a press release at my desk.

Seriously though, I drink A LOT of coffee. (Click to Enlarge)
Seriously though, I drink A LOT of coffee. (Click to Enlarge)

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2 thoughts on “All Day Pizza Buffet: Way Too Much Coffee

  1. Nice. I like the rabbit especially, but then again i did have 2 cups of coffee and a red bull this morning– hey, why does my heart sound like a cross between a morse-code machine and a hummingbird?

  2. My ADPB (All Day Pizza Buffet, ‘natch!) efforts since have been much less surreal, but I’ll change that soon enough. These are likely going to become random thoughts doodled to life. My coffee consumption is one of those random thoughts.

    And man, Bill…you just commented on like every post from the past 3 days. Thanks man!

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