All Day Pizza Buffet BONUS STRIP!: Sausage

As I mentioned in the comments section of today’s regularly scheduled ADPB, I wasn’t satisfied with the freehand doodle I began the strip with. The Enemy of Peanuts is my creation and I don’t think I really connected (even for a doodle) on him. This was likely due to watching “The Wire” intently while doodling, but either way, the deficiency of that EoP urged me to doodle another short and—hopefully—sweet strip.

I think the art in this one is equally mediocre to the earlier first panel—I was still watching “The Wire,” so…—but it’s a fun little bonus strip, so I figured I’d post it!

(Click to Enlarge this mouth-watering strip!)
(Click to Enlarge this mouth-watering strip!)

As always, second helpings of All Day Pizza Buffet can be found under the “Webcomics” tab above.

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3 thoughts on “All Day Pizza Buffet BONUS STRIP!: Sausage

  1. HYYYDEEE HOOOOO!!! 2nd panel is a nice picture! You could sell it to Jimmy Dean– just give him a cowboy hat and spurs…

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