Sorry this post is arriving a little later than normal, but man, I was ridiculously tired last night (as my photo will attest). However, the good news is that I now have updated photos for the past four days from Mr. Lubicky! So though this post is tardy, there is plenty of good, new moustache content to feast your eyes upon. Head back to Day 13 and check out Lubick’s growth!
Back from checking that out (I ask you in a way reminiscent of how Dora the “Explora” questions her audience)? Great! Then check out Day 16!

Great ‘staches, right?! Certainly by now, you have been inspired to donate to Movember and help fight men’s cancer! Do it here!
come clean jimbo– that is a mug shot….
I wish there was a story that good behind that picture. I honestly was just ridiculously tired.