Twenty one days of moustache growth! If my maths are right, that’s three whole weeks! Wow! Time sure flies when your days are spent doing nothing but focusing your chi into your upper lip.
Important side note: Matthew Lubicky and I are both skilled masters of Mo’ Fu aka Moustache Kung Fu aka The Gentleman’s Game aka The Facial Art of Pure Triumph.
Enough jibba jabba! Here are our moustaches after 21 days…

I hope you have thoroughly enjoyed those moustaches! They have been fun to grow, so I hope they have brightened your day!
Now, please, make a donation to Movember! Every single penny will help to combat men’s cancer, specifically of the testicular and prostate varieties.
Do your part. Donate a bit. Or, start looking out for this terrifying fellow around every single corner!

Ok, ok, ok. I promise not to haunt/stalk your footsteps day in and day out if you don’t donate, but it’d be awesome if you did! Thanks!
You are creepy.