Now, I won’t make a habit of flooding this blog with all the news and promotional links I helped to arrange at my day job, but as I’m only in my third week at Dark Horse, I figure one post full of links won’t kill the ol’ EoP! Plus, after two weeks of learning the ropes, I feel like this is the week I really started getting into the swing of things—and I “swang” hard! These links are evidence of that “swingage!”

First, Comics Alliance kicked off the week with an interview with Scott Allie that I helped set up. The interview is all about Scott and artist Kevin McGovern’s original graphic novel “Exurbia.”

This led to a follow-up story on Friday (today!), in which Comics Alliance ran an upcoming “Myspace Dark Horse Presents” story that’s a prequel to “Exurbia.” The entire 8-page story is up there now, so check it out!

Next comes a piece that was a lot of fun to help put together for Comic Book Resources. As many video game fans are aware, “Mass Effect 2” will be coming out soon, but the really cool part for comic fans is that Dark Horse is putting out a comic that ties directly in to the new game! So, I worked with artist Omar Francia to help put together this piece about his process as an artist. Omar was extremely great to work with on this and just good fun to e-mail with (we ended up chatting about message boards, conventions and Brian Bolland in the process of working on this piece), and it’s always interesting to work closely with someone outside The States (Omar is from Argentina). On top of that, I think his art looks great and I’m personally very excited for the series, so that made this piece doubly fun to work on.

Some extra coolness was added to working on this piece when “Mass Effect 2” featured a link to the story on the game’s homepage. Hooray!

But that’s not all I did this week in regards to “ME: R,” as I’m unofficially abbrev-ing “Mass Effect: Redemption” from here on out. I also lined up an interview with series scripter/writer John Jackson Miller (who’s a super cool and helpful guy, for the record). The interview is up on’s Techland blog, so please give it a read.
Also, on the Mass Effect front, I got this variant cover to last week. So, please click this link as well!

Credit on this next piece goes entirely to Jarsh “MacGarsh” Wigler, but after he pitched me on it I passed him some PDFs so he could research it…. “it” being a very cool story on why Mike Oeming and Taki Soma’s “Rapture” should be adapted for film or TV.

Though I had much less to do with this piece, I am a big Conan fan, so how could I not post it?! Darick Robertson has an amazing Conan one-shot that he wrote and drew coming out soon. Seriously, I saw the inked pages last week and this issue is epic! Anywho, Darick has a great interview up on Newsarama, so go give it a read. However, the real notable part about this story is that it marked the first time I sent preview pages featuring naked ladies to a news site. How about that?!
There was more that happened this week at work, but those were the “worky” highlights! I hope that fleshes out my job, for anyone who was interested and didn’t “get it” before, and I hope you enjoy some of these links. Till later on, folks!
Cool stuff! Moving on up! I’m not a gamer, but the exurbia and the conan thing look awesome! Thanks Jim~