For an entire month, this blog was committed to little more than posting pictures of moustaches in order to help raise funds that would go on to aid the fight against cancer. Matthew Lubicky and I, under the auspicious name of “The Venerable Gentlemen…FROM SPACE!,” raised a grand total of $1,127.92 to help benefit men’s cancer research and raise awareness about men’s health.
It’s been over a month since Movember ended and, looking back, I’m pretty proud of what Matt and I accomplished. The real question is, however, what happened to those wacky and wonderful moustaches?
Well, after Matthew attended the Movember Gala Party in New York City…

…he shaved off his moustache and grew his beard back out.
![beard again]](
As for me, I had a hard time trying to convince myself to remove the moustache I had spent so long growing and grooming. So, I didn’t. Instead, I began a “moustache re-integration” program and left my moustache untouched as my beard grew in around it.

My beard thickened, but eventually, like all moustaches, the hair began to grow long and was constantly in the way of my mouth. I trimmed the ‘stache and was bearded once again.

So, ladies and gentlemen, there it is. You can all sleep soundly at night knowing that while Mr. Lubicky and I may not be mustachioed, our bearded faces do feature hair covering our upper lips. And really, that’s what counts.
But… BUT! There’s more!
My stalwart moustache-growing companion, the aforementioned Matthew Lubicky, has taken up another charitable cause and needs your help. Under the pseudonym/guise of Dr. Skip Funsington, MD…
…Mr. Lubicky will be competing in a ping pong tournament to benefit the New York City tutoring organization 826NYC. It’s a good cause, so consider donating a buck or two.
C’mon, help this guy out!