Over the course of a few days last week, I stumbled across or was directed to a bunch of great videos online. Like all users of the internets, I find time to watch a YouTube video here and there, but it seemed like a higher percentage of excellent viewables had come to my attention. So, I resolved to do a blog post with a bunch of the aforementioned videos. Then I got busy and didn’t get around to it… until now!
Of all these videos, this short animated film called “Crater Face” by Skyler Page that I found via Drawn! is by far my favorite. It makes me smile and tear up every single time I watch it, and since discovering it last week, I have watched it quite a few times.
Here’s a crazy time lapse video of that volcano with the crazy name that erupted in Iceland. You know, Eyjafjallajökull. It’s worth taking a look at and you can watch it in high def here.
Much like I was lucky enough to be in a position to interview and interact with some of the stars of “Battlestar Galactica” (one of my favorite programs) shortly after the show ended, my good buddy Josh Wigler found himself in a similar position with the cast of his beloved “Lost.” As a NYC-based freelancer for MTV, Josh got to interview Michael Emerson, Jorge Garcia, Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof right before the series finale. Pretty crazy, right? Below, check out Josh asking Emerson a few questions and then watch as Emerson says normal things in a creepy Ben Linus-esque way. (Josh wrote the intro Emerson worked from and a few of the phrases he creepifies, by the by.)
Here are Cuse and Lindelof as well as Jorge/Hurley for you completionists out there.
This video features an improv comedy group in NYC doing a Ghostbusters reenactment of sorts at the New York Public Library. I found this one at Boing Boing.
Lastly, go refresh your memory on the “Dark Knight” trailer, and Dark Knight Kids while you’re at it, and then watch this Toy Story version of it. Pretty amazing!
Oh, also… go here and see Link beat box. Catchy as heck! Via Kotaku.