Wow, what a day!
In the past 24 hours, Team Mammoth-Stache received over $300 in donations from 13 different people. That’s a lot of mustache love and generosity going to benefit Movember! On behalf of the whole Mammoth-Stache crew, I’d like to pass along a huge “thank you” to everyone who took the time to donate today! Seeing my e-mail inbox fill with donation notifications felt like having pure happiness poured into my chest. The reaffirmation that you know tremendously great people is always fantastic, and I’m sure that will end up being my favorite part of Movember… kinda like it was last year. Again, thanks you so much, everybody!
Now, in celebration of a banner day in our Movember fund-raising efforts, please enjoy Tom Selleck—and his amazing ‘stache—accompanied by a speedo and white visor…

While today was a great success, I certainly hope it’s not the last day we see with such incredible support! I’d love to see another 24 hour period top the tidal wave of generosity we experienced today. And hey, I’m not opposed to topping $330 dollars in 24 hours with a single donation either, big spenders!
Either way, please spread the word about our Movember efforts to your friends and family via Facebook, e-mail, Twitter or even—it’s crazy—in person! Getting the message out there about men’s health is something everyone can do, even after donating. And if you haven’t donated yet, please do that too!
It’s not too late to sign up for Movember! Grow a mo and help change the face of men’s health!
Quick addendum: I forgot to mention that, as of today, Mammoth-Stache is one of the top 50 fund-raising Movember teams in the United States. When you narrow the field to teams of 10 people or less, we’re 20th in the ol’ U. S. of A.! Only donations can help us retain our spot or move up the ranks, so please consider donating!