Before the 15 man mustache-growing force of Mammoth-Stache there was a dynamic duo. Known as The Venerable Gentleman… FROM SPACE!, my compadre Matthew Lubicky and I teamed up for Movember 2009 and put our hairy faces to the task of raising funds and having fun in the process. By the time the dust settled, we’d raised over $1,100 and produced numerous hilarious photos, goofy doodles and—thanks to Matt and his buddy Alex Mallis—a few fantastic videos.

Unfortunately, Matt couldn’t participate in Movember this year for professional reasons, but that doesn’t mean we can’t still enjoy the hilarious videos he put together for last year’s fund-raising event! View, enjoy and let the pride in your mustache grow!
Mr. Lubicky also crafted an essay about facial hair last Movember which you can read here.
Matt made a very generous donation last week, but his unique and hilarious fund-raising efforts are sorely missed in this year’s Movember campaign. Next year, Matt, we need you moing it up again! Thanks for the videos, the memories and the great donation, sir!
Fight men’s cancer. Donate to Movember today!