Well, it’s been a crazy year—what can I say? Movember 2016 approaches and it dawns on me that I never did a post recapping 2015’s fundraising efforts. Which is a shame, because 2015 was historic for the ol’ Ministry of Mustache Growth & Management. 2015 was the year we hit the secret goal I set for these teams years ago, never really sure we could ever do it, but hoping we one day could… we crested $100,000 in fundraising to help combat men’s cancer!
Here are the fundraising totals year-by-year…
2015: $10,004
2014: $16,183
2013: $29,391
2012: $24,434
2011: $20,700
2010: $4,577
2009: $1,057.92
Total: $106,346.92!
Last year was my seventh year raising funds for Movember, aligned for many of those years with excellent Ministry of Mustache Growth & Management fellow captains Dan Gibbons and Marc Schork-Morency, and I’m extremely proud and happy we’ve combined our efforts with dozens of teammates over the past seven years to hit this huge number! Well done, everyone!
In 2015, which was a more casual fundraising year in general, the Northwest and Midwest teams combined forces into a single M.M.G.M. 19-member super team, raising a total of $6,913. M.M.G.M.: Far East was back under Mr. Schork Morency’s leadership and they raised $3,091 with eight members. A very nice effort for a more chill year!
As always, here’s the network leaderboard of individual fundraising…
Tim Taylor, in his second year, had a breakout amount of fundraising and was definitely our 2015 MVP. Congrats, Tim! Nice work! Past winners include Dan Gibbons (2011), Joe Harrington (2012), Marc Schork-Morency (2013) and Dan Gibbons again (2014).
A big, huge thanks to all 27 Ministry members who grew mustaches and/or fundraised in 2015. You folks are all exceptional and it’s an honor to fight the good fight alongside you all! And another enormous thank you to the dozens of people who donated, shared our fundraising links, and spread the word!
It’s crazy. Seven years ago, I was between jobs and looking for something good and positive to fill my time with. I read about Movember, thought it sounded like a worthy way to spend my additional free time, a fun way to do some good, and—initially alongside a single friend (Matthew Lubicky)—we raised a little over $1,000. In the years after that, the team grew and then split into multiple teams under a single banner. Along the way, hundreds of folks spent a year or two (or five) as members of the Ministry of Mustache Growth & Management, helping us achieve all of this amazing fundraising—everyone doing a little or a lot of help this team succeed year after year. It’s been a humbling and rewarding experience every Movember season to see all of these amazing folks put in the time and effort to make a difference. Quite a journey, and man, I am proud of it and very proud of all my fellow M.M.G.M. all-stars. You guys are the best! Go team!