Happy Bale-entine’s Day!

After “The Dark Knight” came out, many among the crew at Wizard HQ back in 2008 were constantly quoting some of the more hilarious lines from “Batman Begins” and “TDK.” While both those movies are extremely enjoyable, Christian Bale’s gruff Batman growl is just too funny not to endlessly mimic. Frequently, during meetings or random conversations, people would growl “Where is she?!” or “Swear to me!” instead of using normal human dialogue.

Safe to say, this made for a pretty fun time around the office.
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What ongoing comic series should I begin collecting as graphic novels?

A while back, I asked for suggestions on how to keep up with comics in a price effective way. In the few comments and conversations I had about the subject, the answer came back resoundingly that reading comics once they are collected is cheaper (Math I could do on my own, but glad to get some feedback as well) and just as satisfying, especially as it allows you to avoid a majority of the crap that hits stands.
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Hollywood Overhaul: Remaking Better Comic Movies

I was digging through some old files on my computer when I came across a piece I pitched to CBR during my brief freelance jaunt, but couldn’t follow through on due to my employment at Dark Horse. Luckily, I wrote an initial draft so it was all ready to be adapted for blogging…
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The Irregular Doodler: A possible return for All Day Pizza Buffet

While talking today with my associate and friend Caleb Goellner, it dawned on me that just thinking about drawing was in no way going to improve my meager doodling skills. It also occurred to me that continually fiddling around with a doodle pad but never planning my scribbling adventures out beforehand is not really stretching any of the skills I would like stretched. In fact, my spontaneous sketching often has my doodles looking remarkably similar (See here and then here).
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Doctor… Who? Or, proof all Brits are connected to British Fiction… in their real lives!

As someone who studied abroad in the United Kingdom, I am frequently asked, “Is Great Britain similar to the many ‘quintessentially’ British things I’ve seen in Guy Ritchie movies, Harry Potter and Doctor Who?”

The answer is, of course, “Absolutely.”
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