My still relatively new iPhone continues to make life documentation a breeze. A while back, I posted a series my first series iPhone photos. I’m back to post some more. Continue Reading “More Photos via Phone”
Category: Uncategorized
Tim Riggins Goes To Mars
The first preview of Disney’s John Carter premiered today. The movie that adapts Edgar Rice Burroughs’ Mars-adventuring pulp hero stars Taylor Kitsch who’s known to many as Friday Night Lights‘ rough and tumble fullback Tim Riggins.
A month ago when the first poster for the movie came out, fellow FNL fan John Schork and I began the FNL/John Carter of Mars mashup talk.
And that’s about all the background you need to understand why I spent 30 minutes today making these… Continue Reading “Tim Riggins Goes To Mars”
A Pre-San Diego Tradition: Year 3
Long time EoP readers may recall that every year before San Diego Comic-Con I make a new Twitter Avatar for my good friend Josh Wigler, now the head of the MTV Movies blog. This year is no exception! Continue Reading “A Pre-San Diego Tradition: Year 3”
Another undisputed classic: “Bravest Warriors”
Years ago, I posted the original Adventure Time short (Before it, you know, got huge.) and was informed by mi amigo Kiel Phegley that AT creator Pen Ward had another intensely awesome short out there: Bravest Warriors. Continue Reading “Another undisputed classic: “Bravest Warriors””
“There are eight million stories in the naked city; this has been one of them”
When you live in a city you really love, there’s nothing quite like touring around it with out-of-towners. My brother Dan was in the Rose City on business last week and we used the weekend to bike around town, drink beer and eat food cart fare. On a slight buzz as we pedaled through the rain (and eventually that intense fresh-smelling and pure-feeling post-rain sunshine that drenches Portland in a vibe that’s pretty damn magical), all I could think of was how I have to take all my visitors on a similar journey. Continue Reading ““There are eight million stories in the naked city; this has been one of them””
Photos via Phone
I’ve always liked photography, but it wasn’t until journalism school that I really developed a sense of awe and appreciation for people who could use a camera to truly capture life. I’ve seen photogs of different varieties working in their respective fields, I’ve watched friends labor over which photos to choose out of hundreds for college projects, I’ve seen the student POYs judged and while I know and understand very little about the art, I’m always happy to run across some fine photography. If you’re of the same mentality, I suggest checking out the fine work of my friends Anna Goellner and Carli Davidson. Local cartoonist Emi Lennox has a photo tumblr worth checking out, as well, if you have any interest in seeing some fine shots of the Rose City. Continue Reading “Photos via Phone”
Forever as ewoks
The Troll King by Kolbeinn Karlsson is a remarkably bizarre comic. It’s mesmerizing, too. If you’re a fan of off-kilter… well, anything… you’ll love it! Plus, it has references to ewoks! Good stuff. Continue Reading “Forever as ewoks”
Making suggestions: King Conan
Recently, Dark Horse social media guru Spencer Newlin-Cushing asked me to write up a staff pick for the newly-launched Dark Horse Digital Store. I was more than happy to oblige and wrote up this recommendation for King Conan: The Scarlet Citadel…
“Grab a cup, boy. If it’s a tale you want, then, by Crom, a tale I’ll give you.”
From a face rife with deep grooves, either of wrinkles brought on by age or sword scars of battles long past, a graying Conan’s words to a Nemedian chronicler in search of the barbarian king’s most intense exploits acts as the perfect introduction for this action-packed series. Less the bar-brawling warrior now, but no less formidable, King Conan recounts a tale that focuses on a time when his army had been decimated and, cutting down swordsmen left and right, the brawny ruler is eventually taken captive by a power-hungry wizard—and that’s when the fun really starts!
King Conan: The Scarlet Citadel is the quintessential tale of the young Cimmerian thief, mercenary and pirate who grew to be a leader of men. With bloodshed and beheadings, monsters and mayhem, Tim Truman adapts a tale from legendary pulp scribe Robert E. Howard that’s the perfect introduction for a new reader to Conan’s exciting adventures and another thrilling chapter for longtime fans to read. And with art from Tomás Giorello that caused to exclaim “Giorello gets a lifetime pass to draw this character and his world because he does it with such texture and poise,” what more could you want?!
—Jim Gibbons, Assistant Editor
Nonplayer #1 and Fear Itself #1 [At the Mercy of The Crowd]
This is what I get for committing to a weekly blog feature. Life gets busy and I get inconsistent. Continue Reading “Nonplayer #1 and Fear Itself #1 [At the Mercy of The Crowd]”
Hero Hugs
The caped crusaders of comic books are popularly known for foiling crimes, thwarting capers and derailing evil plots. What people tend to forget is that the masked marauders that fill the pages of funny books are also known to lay down mad hugs from time to time.
Yep, even the cold, calculating Batman’s a hugger… Continue Reading “Hero Hugs”