Another Jim Gibbons comic book appearance

Remember, back in September, when I relayed a story about how artist Evan Shaner had added a Jim Gibbons-related Easter egg to Buddy Cops, a story appearing in Dark Horse Presents? Well, that ain’t the only Jim Gibbons comic reference anymore! Continue Reading “Another Jim Gibbons comic book appearance”


I’ve truly entered the comic book world.

If you read comics for long enough and pay attention, you’ll begin to notice that writers and artists love to work tons of references into their work. Subtle references, clever references, inside jokes, bizarre gags and obscure imagery that are often a treat for eagle-eyed and perceptive readers. Sometimes it’s as simple as a song lyric worked into a line of dialogue or a portrait of a writer as an “extra” in a scene, other times it may be as overt as an editor’s head showing up on a pike on a battlefield in front of a conquering army—just ask Philip Simon or Patrick Thorpe, they’ve both been decapitated in comics before! References like these in comic books are the easter eggs that über nerds like me love. I’d be lying if I said that I never hoped my career as an editor would lead to some obscure nod to yours truly.

And now, thanks to artist Evan “Doc” Shaner, I’ve officially been referenced in a comic book! Continue Reading “I’ve truly entered the comic book world.”


San Diego Comic-Con 2012: The Photos

Continuing my Comic-Com International recollection for 2012 after posting a list of highlights a few days ago, here are all the photos I took at this year’s show. In year’s past, I’ve come home from San Diego only to realize I took about five to ten photos that in no way showcase the Comic-Con experience. So, this year, I made an effort to take a ton of photos. If I thought, “Wow, that’s a weird/interesting/strange/wild/crazy/outrageous/cool/fun thing!” I did my best to capture it on my iPhone camera.

Here’s what I came home with this year… Continue Reading “San Diego Comic-Con 2012: The Photos”


San Diego Comic-Con 2012: The Memories

It was a helluva show, folks!

Comic-Con International 2012, aka San Diego Comic-Con, was a raucous success this year. By far the best SDCC I’ve ever attended. Not only was it a very encouraging show—seems every comic person I talked to was selling a lot of stuff and having a great time, so the air of enthusiasm was very high—but it was a show without any real problems. (So, far as my experience went… a rarity for such a huge convention.) In short, I had way too much fucking fun and also managed to get some work done. Success!

Me with Bilbo’s trolls at the Weta booth.

Continue Reading “San Diego Comic-Con 2012: The Memories”


What I Do For A Living

When people ask what I do for a living I usually explain that I work at a comic book publisher and vaguely run down a few of my responsibilities. Each different rank of editor performs a ton of different tasks, all of which help publications reach their pinnacle before becoming available to the reading public. Some of these tasks are extremely interesting and some of them are fairly dull. All of them are extremely necessary and important to the production of comics, but listing them all doesn’t usually make for interesting conversation. Long story short, I don’t think many of us editorial folk explain all that we do very often, because it’s a pretty lengthy list of responsibilities.
Continue Reading “What I Do For A Living”


What’s even going on here anymore…?

After blogging about Stumptown Comics Fest earlier this week, I realized that I really don’t post to this blog enough. Or, even very much at all anymore, let alone “enough.” Between tumblr and twitter, I’m posting stuff online frequently, but very little of it ends up here. If I had to guess why that is, I’d imagine this blog’s lack of some more focused theme would be the answer.

Long ago, this was a beer and comics blog. Then, Enemy of Peanuts became a home for my doodles while also being a place to showcase links to my work in journalism. For three months each Fall, this blog becomes a place to talk about growing mustaches and all things Movember. And now, though used very infrequently, the blog has morphed into a collection of iPhone photos and occasional diary-style stories that are—probably—more for my own benefit than anyone else’s. has had some pretty specific purposes or themes or directions or whatever in the past, but now it’s adrift. It’s a blog without a direction run by a guy who’s not sure what to say where on the interwebs—what people care to read at all on a blog, let alone here. What can I add to this site that I don’t sling off the cuff on tumblr or twitter?

So, though my infrequency in posting to this blog likely means few people still check in on the ol’ EoP, I’d love to hear what any of my friends, readers,and—dare I say—”fans” would enjoy hearing about on this blog. Stories? Advice? Just doodles to look at/make fun of? More of a first person recounting of things that have happened to me? Seriously, I’ll take requests! But really, I hope some feedback helps me discover a new, more permanent direction for

Thanks in advance to anyone who sends along some input! Very much obliged.

And now, I’ll stop rambling…

(Art’s from here.)


Stumptown Comics Fest 2012: The iPhone Photos

This weekend, Stumptown Comics Fest took Portland by storm. It was a fun show full of friendship, great comics, fantastic creators, and knowledgeable and enthusiastic fans. I worked the Dark Horse booth most of Saturday and returned Sunday to do some shopping. All in all, a great weekend and a great show.

I really should begin taking photos of people, but here are the photos I have to commemorate the event… Continue Reading “Stumptown Comics Fest 2012: The iPhone Photos”
