Recommended Storytelling and Comics Writing Resources

In my unending quest to continue improving as a writer and editor, I’ve been blogging haphazardly over the past two years when I come across great writing tips or storytelling resources. I love reading about writing and storytelling. It’s fascinating and enriching. I’ve witnessed things I’ve read come to life in my own work, improving my skills—you couldn’t ask for better results to time spent studying your craft. So, in the hope I’m not alone in this pilgrimage, I’ve tried to collect some those resources (plus, my thoughts) for others. An infographic about book facts created by Robert Brewer was part of the impetus behind all this additional study. Continue Reading “Recommended Storytelling and Comics Writing Resources”


Find a crucible for your story

In David Mamet’s On Directing Film, he explains that a director’s job is to make a film by putting together a series of uninflected shots. Using straightforward images alone, you tell the story. He suggests that if you try to make a silent film, you should be able to make a great film because you’ll be forced to make sure each image you use means something, each shot furthers the scene.

Think about that. It’s a great guide for the visual storyteller—Comics very much included in that. Make sure every scene/image works toward telling your story. Continue Reading “Find a crucible for your story”
