Famous Mustached Men in History: Mike Ditka

Sure, Matthew Lubicky and I may be growing moustaches now to benefit Movember, but who were those admirable zeniths of manliness that blazed a trail of glory for the Mo’? Join my comrade in Movemberness, El Luchador Lubicky, for a look at one of the most exceptional men to ever sport a ‘stache: Mike Ditka.
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Movember Moustache Photo Diary: Day 4

Sorry this is ridiculously late, Mo Bros and Mo Sisses! I’ve been wildly busy today and didn’t have the chance to take a ‘stache shot until very late! And Matt even sent me his really early this morning! I dropped the ball on this one.
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Movember Moustache Photo Diary: Day 3

Three days down and you can finally start seeing the outline of a Mo’. Now, I’m just wondering how people are going to react to me as it appears I have a prepubescent growth of peach fuzz on my face—or just missed a massive spot shaving—instead of the foundations of a moustache. Today through about Friday should be very interesting for that reason.
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Interwebz Hodgepodge Post: November Edition

I’ve been piling up a series of tabs in my web browser full of links and videos I’ve seen online recently that made me think, “I should link to that on my blog.” I was hoping some sort of pattern would arise in these interweb nuggets so that linking them would seem natural and well thought out. It hasn’t, so I’m stealing a page out of the Kiel Phegley and/or TJ Dietsch playbook o’ blogging and doing hodgepodge post of crammed to busting with links.
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