Well, it’s late, but here it is: this week’s Enemy of Peanuts: The Webcomic installment!
I won’t lie, I think this may be my worst effort so far and was drawn after drinking a full bottle of wine, but there is an energy to it that I liked. So, I figured I would post it and keep the strip going, and at the worst I can always redo this panel at a future date.
Last night I finally got a chance to sit down and finalize some of the storyboards I had been working on for Enemy of Peanuts: The Webcomic, so here’s the first two panels. I’m running a few different versions here because I still haven’t perfected much of anything (including my own artistic skills, so more versions put out means more chances to slightly impress someone, right?!). Right now, I’m shooting to deliver at least a few panels to a full sequence a week (anywhere from the meager two panels here on to five or seven bits of a fight scene), and I’ll try to post them each week on Sunday night or Monday.
'EoP: The Webcomic' Part 1 with diffuse glow effect'EoP: The Webcomic' Part 1 with photocopy effect'EoP: The Webcomic' Part 1. Just a straight photo of my drawing with text added (yes, I need a scanner).
Thanks for checking it out, folks! Any and all feedback is welcomed below!
One of the greatest and most addicting things about working on the internet or running a blog is how immediately you can get tons of feedback. Programs like Google Analytics and WordPress Stats track all sorts of little things having to do with your site: From how many hits it’s getting and who’s linking your site to where in the world your visitors are coming from and which posts the interweb public seems most interested in. Once you start poring over the numbers and stats, it can easily become a massive fascination—even for folks like myself who aren’t really math-inclined. Continue Reading “Silly Search Engine Terms Jamboree!”→
Apparently, peanuts are just as vital to man as bread and water...whatta world!
I recently spied this aisle display at a Duane Reade pharmacy on the Upper East Side in Manhattan. Yet another warning for any and all enemies of peanuts, it seems the death-nut is now equally as important as bread and water. With aisle arrangements putting my personal kryptonite on par with two essential edibles, it seems only too clear that my nemesis has gained more ground than even I’d like to admit. Time to get this webcomic going and start taking a modicum of revenge against the peanut-beast! Stay tuned, brothers in arms against the legume menace! Stay tuned!
As a guy who reads a butt-ton of comics, it’s pretty hard not to come up with an idea or two for some of my own panel-by-panel storytelling—Enemy Of Peanuts: The Webcomic is one such idea. EoP came to me as the name for a strip I could do based on a few ideas that had been kicked around by some close friends and myself back in college (former roommate Matt Misch and good buddy Frank Johnson stand out as people I recall discussing the idea with, though there are assuredly many more). Essentially, the story would be based loosely on me but more so on my allergy (peanuts! legumes!), and the original idea was almost entirely me fighting Mr. Peanut…constantly. The idea has evolved quite a bit since then (including the creation of the Enemy of Peanuts, who—though fictional—is twittering away already), as it had a comic appeal I couldn’t quite pass up, and I’ve now started laying down some of the over-arching plot outlines, fight scenes and such. It should be a lot of fun, so stay tuned.
As far as the art goes, I’m well aware that I am not an artist (I’d say “amateur cartoonist” at best), but years of doodling comics and characters in notepad margins shouldn’t go to waste! So, here, I am going to be tackling art duties on the strip…for now. In a perfect world, some amazing unknown artistic talent (Holy Shit! It could be you!) will stumble across my “strips” (read: storyboards) and offer his skills to make this hobby into a real cinematic adventure. Or, with luck, practice will make perfect and I’ll get kinda good. Who knows?!
That said, I’d love to get some feedback on the photoshop aid I’m using for the time being. The promo images above are all the same save a photoshop effect making them look, hopefully, better. I’d be insanely appreciative of anyone who’ll leave some comments about which effects you like better and which image-style has or would have you most excited to read the EoP’s adventures every week (or whatever the posting schedule ends up being for the strip).
That’s all for now. Thanks for stopping by and checking the early stages of Enemy Of Peanuts: The Webcomic out, and please, leave a little feedback