If Disney animated theatrical releases can become Broadway musicals (i.e. “The Lion King”), then can Disney animated straight-to-dvd sequels become off-Broadway musicals (i.e. “The Lion King II: Simba’s Pride”)?
Tag: Enemy of Peanuts
Follow the wandering peanut battler!
While this site will soon be home to a sprawling and mythic saga (stay tuned!), its hero’s journey can be followed right now on Twitter.
Check it out!—http://explore.twitter.com/EnemyOfPeanuts.
First glimpse…
I am the enemy of peanuts!
¡Hola internet dwellers!
I’m Jim Gibbons and this is a ludicrous blog of mine.
If you’re savvy to the interwebs, you may have seen my job blog over at The Loudest Monkey on WizardUniverse.com, or if you’re of a nostalgic and outdoorsy disposition, you may have come across a labor of love called Nothing More American—my summer camp memoir.
While both blogs are absolutely fabulous (seriously, check them out!), neither allowed me the proper venue to post all the abstract and random flights of fancy I’d like to share. And so, I deliver you Enemy of Peanuts!
While this would be a great way to wow potential readers with a grand mission statement, I haven’t got one. Essentially, this blog will be my own public bulletin board where I’ll post doodles, mini reviews of old comics, why I’m now just finally watching “Doctor Who” and what’s fantastic about it, thoughts on video games and who knows what else?! Either way, it should be fun—so, stick around!
Hello! I’m Jim Gibbons. I’m a comic book professional, a beer lover, a mustache grower, and a hirsute raconteur. I’m also a sworn enemy of the peanut (due to my deadly allergy). This is my blog.
I currently work as a freelance editor and writer. For rates and availability, please contact me through my professional website: TheJimGibbons.com
I helped launch Stēla, a brand new digital comics publisher specializing in mobile native sequential storytelling, as the senior editor. I signed on and edited numerous title during my time there, including Chaos Arena: Crystal Fighters, Santos, Tribes, House Girls, Breaker, Deja Brew, Jaeger, I.P.P.: Intellectual Property Police, Pilgrim Finch, Victory Mountain, USA, and many more.
I worked as an editor at Dark Horse Comics. (More on that here and here, though these are a bit outdated now.) I edited titles like Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Angel & Faith, The Strain, Nanjing: The Burning City, ApocalyptiGirl: An Aria for the End Times, The Black Beetle, Zodiac Starforce, Polar: Came from the Cold, Juice Squeezers, and many more. I also worked alongside Dark Horse president and publisher Mike Richardson on the 80-page monthly anthology Dark Horse Presents, which won the Eisner Award and Diamond Gem Award for Best Anthology in 2012, 2013, and 2014, the Harvey Award for Best Anthology in 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015, as well as the Stumptown Comics Award for Best Anthology in 2014.
I wrote this comic with art by Andrew MacLean and Francesco Chiappara—Mars: Space Barbarian. (More soon!) And this one with art by Caleb Goellner—Birch Squatch: The Last Bigfoot. As well as Young Shaq in the Bad Future with art by Ethan Young.
I spent ten summers going to and working at summer camps, which led to a lot of stories. Read more about them at my summer camp memoir blog Nothing More American. (Much more on this soon!)
Once upon a time, I was a journalist. This section explains that, but most of the links are dead now, which is baloney.
My email: jimgibbons1[at]gmail[dot]com
My Twitter: @EnemyOfPeanuts
My Tumblr: pizza-party.tumblr.com