At Comic-Con last year, I lamented the fact that I didn’t have a smartphone with a decent camera—I saw so much but couldn’t record ay of it. This year, I aimed to take a ton of photos with my still pretty new iPhone. Of course, I got caught up in Comic-Con and didn’t take nearly as many photos as I planned… but hey, here’s what I’ve got. Take a look! Continue Reading “San Diego Comic-Con 2011: The Photos”
Tag: Guillermo Del Toro
San Diego Comic-Con 2011: The Booty
I didn’t spend much money, but here’s my haul from this year’s Comic-Con International… Continue Reading “San Diego Comic-Con 2011: The Booty”
San Diego Comic-Con 2011: The Memories
A question I’ve been asking myself since I returned from the insane event known as San Diego Comic-Con is “How can one best relay a Comic-Con experience?” The entire convention is a random and intense series of experiences, conversations, happenings and emotions flying by at 100 miles per hour for a entire week. It wipes you out completely and utterly as its five of the fullest days you’ll ever experience, and yet you always leave regretting not being able to do more in the time you’re given there.
Thankfully, I don’t have the hard task of trying to boil down this massive nerd prom into a series of well written articles like so many hard-working journalists I know. I’m allowed to just load all my memories into a metaphorical blog-shaped shotgun and fire them off at the internet haphazardly hoping someone—anyone!—who reads this blog can make sense of them. In the end, these next few posts are as much for the sake of capturing my memories of the events for posterity’s sake as they are to relay my stories to you fine folks. Regardless, I had a wonderful time and here’s my attempt—in vain—to sum it all up. Continue Reading “San Diego Comic-Con 2011: The Memories”
SUPER TIMELY BLOG POST ALERT! My Comic-Con experience in bits and pieces.
I went to my first San Diego Comic-Con three weeks ago. Long story short, it was a work-filled, more or less sleepless, alcohol-infused 6-day bender of nerdiness. Long story even shorter, I had a blast.
Continue Reading “SUPER TIMELY BLOG POST ALERT! My Comic-Con experience in bits and pieces.”
[DVD REVIEW] “Hellboy II” Three-Disc Special Edition
“Hellboy II” had a lot to live up to after Big Red’s first theatrical outing, as well as being Guillermo Del Toro’s first film after “Pan’s Labyrinth,” and it definitely delivered more imagination and impressive effects than most of the summer’s movie fare combined. Appropriately, the “Making of” documentary of this film—one with tons of effort put into each tiny creature it contained—is longer than the feature presentation, and that’s without the deleted scenes, troll market set tour and commentary by Del Toro.

While the copious amounts of features offer a great view behind the scenes, the features are comprised mostly of long, rarely-cut shots of Del Toro directing occasionally mixed in with interviews. This style, at times, feels like a very natural look at how the movie was put together, but mostly leaves you wishing they put as much effort into the production of the special features as they did the movie. Still, it’s a look worth having when the movie has so many “I wonder what went into that shot” moments, especially to see Mignola and Del Toro riffing ideas about monsters for the flick.
Still, the whole two-disc set is pretty much worth purchase for the amazingly cool hologram on the cover that morphs from the live-action Ron Perlman Hellboy to an illustrated Mike Mignola Hellboy. At the very least, head to Best Buy and just watch that thing work its magic for a while!

The best this amateur photog/blogger can do to capture the magic.