For roughly a month, I’ve been contemplating the best way to express my feelings (via blog) about the webcomic “Eros Inc.” Thanks to a recent purchase, my jumbled thoughts—thoughts so jumbled due to how much I truly enjoy this comic—have gained a little organization and I’ll now commence spouting my admiration for this strip by Michael May. Let the gushing begin!
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Tag: Highest Recommendations!
Straight up pluggin’ it: “Special Edition” #1
Now, I don’t normally sit in my ivory tower of blogginess and insist you purchase things on my recommendation (aside from all these AMAZING T-SHIRTS!!!), but I must insist you grab a copy of Special Edition #1.
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Highest Recommendations: ‘De:Tales—Stories from Urban Brazil’
Presently, Fábio Moon and Gabriel Bá are well known in the world of comics with especial thanks to Dark Horse Comics’ popular Umbrella Academy. Later this year, the Brazilian twin brothers join the ranks of artists who have helped make B.P.R.D
an institution since it spun out of Hellboy. Me? I first came across Bá and Moon in Image Comics’ sci-spy story Casanova
written by Matt Fraction. Their style so completely captured me and when I saw De:Tales
in the Columbia Missouri Public Library back in 2007 I had to check it out.
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