Today was a soggy, wet day.

Today was one of those disgustingly rainy days that would have been perfect if I could have curled up and slept in, but alas, I must work for a living and even though I have been nursing a nasty illness lately, you really can’t afford two sick days nowadays…so, I got my coat on, pulled my hat down and my collar up and made for the train station. Safe to say, it was a bit miserable.
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What’s Going On.

Ok, so I haven’t been blogging that much of late. But, it’s not because I don’t totally love all you readers and have plenty of super rad stuff to say. The problem is simple: I have been extremely busy with tons of real life stuff away from the interwebs. Like…
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Infamous Past Jim Gibbons Decisions: Hulk Hogan haircut

Back in 2004 I decided to bleach my hair blonde, sport a fu manchu and shave some male pattern baldness into my head. At the time, this seemed like a pretty hilarious idea, and whether it was or not, here’s how it all went down…
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Thor: The Final Frontier!

Over the weekend, news dropped that Chris Hemsworth (who played George Kirk, James T.’s daddy, in “Star Trek”) will be playing Thor in the upcoming film based on Marvel’s Asgardian hero.

Round Howard blogger Josh Wigler and I just had a fun and nerdy conversation about the casting which I’m posting here for the sake of putting it into the public forum. Check it out and then weigh in with a comment at the end of the post!
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EoP meets Pancake Lover

I was reading a lot about webcomics on Friday at work and doodled this little strip while editing documents. In the strip, I run into Dave Paggi’s Pancake Lover—who you can see more of over at Rowdy Schoolyard—and have a webcomic encounter with him. This one’s done in amazing ballpoint pen on a super cool legal notepad.
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‘Enemy of Peanuts: The Webcomic’ Part 3—The battle is met!

Well, it’s late, but here it is: this week’s Enemy of Peanuts: The Webcomic installment!

I won’t lie, I think this may be my worst effort so far and was drawn after drinking a full bottle of wine, but there is an energy to it that I liked. So, I figured I would post it and keep the strip going, and at the worst I can always redo this panel at a future date.

Anyway, enough of my self deprecation…Please, enjoy the strip!
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Authority Figure

Though I haven’t posted here in the last two days, the Enemy of Peanuts (yours truly, Jim Gibbons!) has still been quite active on the interwebs.

Be forewarned, this post is about to be a little bit of a promotional link-a-thon, but an entertaining one! So, read on for some nice, brief stories and links.
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