Years ago, I posted the original Adventure Time short (Before it, you know, got huge.) and was informed by mi amigo Kiel Phegley that AT creator Pen Ward had another intensely awesome short out there: Bravest Warriors. Continue Reading “Another undisputed classic: “Bravest Warriors””
Tag: Kiel Phegley
This is it: A “Wizard” Remembrance/Reaction
This week, news that both Wizard and ToyFare magazine were being canceled hit the interwebs. I did my big college internship at Wizard and then scored a job there a few months later when I graduated from college. It was my first career-type job and it led to a ton of great friendships and terrific experiences. I wouldn’t be rocking a job I love at Dark Horse Comics if not for my time at Wizard, nor would I know so many rad, excellent and intelligent folks around the comics community, many of whom I consider great friends. Continue Reading “This is it: A “Wizard” Remembrance/Reaction”
San Diego Comic-Con from the sidelines
Last weekend was the massive San Diego Comic-Con. For those living under rocks in caves on the moon, SDCC is a pop culture and comic book convention of epic proportions that is chock-full of panels featuring comic pros, Hollywood stars and specially screened clips of upcoming movies—and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. The show floor is loaded with nearly a bajillion exhibitors, artists, creators and vendors, and after hours there are parties out the wazoo.
Or so I’ve heard.
Continue Reading “San Diego Comic-Con from the sidelines”
A reassessment of “Josie”
In response to a comment by Four Color Forum’s Kiel Phegley on my Josie and the Pussycats soundtrack post last week…
As excited as I am to see that you love this soundtrack, I must admit I’m a little heartbroken as well that you didn’t dig the flick more. I fucking LOVE that movie, man. LOVE IT.”
-Kiel Phegley
…I figured it was time to give the flick another watch. So I queued “Josie” up on my Netflix and gave it a re-watching last night. What follows is less a review and more a series of reactions and thoughts I had while watching, so, take it thusly.
Continue Reading “A reassessment of “Josie””
More Sketchy Galore!
Wizard Staffer David Paggi and former Wizard Staffers Rickey Purdin and Kiel Phegley have started a sweet sketch/art blog called Rowdy Schoolyard, which they’ve been updating super-regularly, so check it out!
Seeing their diligent posting of art made me realize it’s been a while since I’ve posted any of my doodles (or “cartoons, if you will—I will NOT go as far as calling it art), so I snagged a few drawings I did off the corkboard by my desk and scanned them in for your viewing pleasure.

Can’t quite remember how this one came about. I believe former WU assistant editor Josh Wigler and I were joking around about how to make some classic cartoon characters realistic and this is what came from it: Chuck “‘Nam” Brown.

I’m on a real Ghost Rider kick now thanks to Jason Aaron’s badass run on the book. I just got the new Mighty Mugg of the Spirit of Vengeance and then did this doodle the day after.

The story behind this one goes back to Wizard World Chicago, when I shared a hotel room with Staff Writer Kevin Mahadeo. While checking in, desk attendant Leah coined the term when asking, “So, looks like you’ll be sharing a room with Kevin…um…Mahoodoo.” I chuckled and said, “Yes.” And since that day, Kevin’s nickname has been Mahoodoo. Also, Kevin’s a big stickler for DC Comics continuity, thus the battle cry.
Last week’s send off to John Rogers’ ‘Blue Beetle’
Another blog post I meant to get up last week…

…was going to be an epic poem composed about the virtues and excellence of Blue Beetle as John Rogers run came to an end with the fantastically awesome “End Game” arc and its twenty fifth issue. Luckily, I got a chance to rave in last week’s Thursday Morning Quarterback’s Quick Hits about it, sparing you all the attempt at epic poetry, while giving me a chance to gush.
Here’s a snippet…
“I know it’s only March and big events like Secret Invasion and Final Crisis are still on the way, but I’m calling it right now: Blue Beetle #25 is my issue of the year!”
Being surrounded in the office full of other fans of the run, we hashed out some ways to get some good send-off coverage for the book after issue #25…
Indie Jones‘ Kiel Phegley did a retrospective chat with John Rogers on the book—seriously good read here, give it a look.
And Kevin Mahadeo featured Jaime Reyes as his character of the week in his new column obviously entitled “Character of the Week.” For the record, you’ll notice I called out Paco’s line of the week in QB on Thursday before Kevin did in COW on Friday…just saying. I mean—it’s not important—we both love the book and thought it was a great line…but I mentioned it first…just saying.
So, check those out and then go check out the past 25 issues of Blue Beetle, it was a heckuva a ride that you really shouldn’t miss!