Good tidings!

Though this blog over the past month has been almost entirely dedicated to moustaches, their greatness and why they’re an incredibly motivating reason to donate money to help combat men’s cancer, there actually has been a bit more than just facial hair pushing my life forward of late.
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Movember Moustache Photo Diary: Day 30 or The Final ‘Stachey Day

It’s been a wild ride, folks, but it’s come to an end. Thirty days full of growing have come and gone—Movember’s finally complete. As of today, my moustache partner Matthew Lubicky and I have posted over 60 moustache pictures, aired three videos and raised over $1,000 ($1,057.92, to be exact). Not too shabby, if I do say so myself!
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Movember Moustache Photo Diary: Days 25 and 26

Happy Thanksgiving, moustache lovers!

I’m thankful for my soon-to-be full belly, my lovely girlfriend (who’s prepared the majority of our delicious looking meal) and my good health. I’m also extremely thankful that so many of you good people have donated to Movember so that many men can also be thankful for their good health! That money is going to be crucial to cancer research that will save the lives of men across this country and the entire globe. Think of the thankful lives that will be changed by those donations. It’s one heckuva warm thought!
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Movember Moustache Photo Diary: Day 24

Today’s moustache photograph features a special guest. He’s got one of the greatest moustaches in science fiction, sacrificed his life to help destroy the first Death Star and has been immortalized in vinyl figure form. Here he is, my friend and figurine…
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Space ‘Stache and Santa Claus

Nothing says “Please donate to this worthy cause” like poorly photoshopped promotional materials, so please enjoy this image of me as an astronaut!
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Movember Moustache Photo Diary: Day 23

As I explained yesterday, ladies and gentlemen, Movember is drawing dangerously close to its conclusion. That, of course, sadly means there are but a few scarce days left to donate. Much like you should be looking to purchase your Thanksgiving Day turkey sooner rather than later, you should also be thinking of squeezing your donation in today or tomorrow—’cause that is what a great and/or cool and/or beautiful person would do.
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Movember Moustache Photo Diary: Day 22

Here we go! We’re heading into the final stretch of Movember.

If you enjoy the moustache (or are just a generally radical person), please take some time and donate a little bit of money to help fight men’s cancer!
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