San Diego Comic-Con 2012: The Memories

It was a helluva show, folks!

Comic-Con International 2012, aka San Diego Comic-Con, was a raucous success this year. By far the best SDCC I’ve ever attended. Not only was it a very encouraging show—seems every comic person I talked to was selling a lot of stuff and having a great time, so the air of enthusiasm was very high—but it was a show without any real problems. (So, far as my experience went… a rarity for such a huge convention.) In short, I had way too much fucking fun and also managed to get some work done. Success!

Me with Bilbo’s trolls at the Weta booth.

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San Diego Comic-Con 2011: The Photos

At Comic-Con last year, I lamented the fact that I didn’t have a smartphone with a decent camera—I saw so much but couldn’t record ay of it. This year, I aimed to take a ton of photos with my still pretty new iPhone. Of course, I got caught up in Comic-Con and didn’t take nearly as many photos as I planned… but hey, here’s what I’ve got. Take a look! Continue Reading “San Diego Comic-Con 2011: The Photos”


SUPER TIMELY BLOG POST ALERT! My Comic-Con experience in bits and pieces.

I went to my first San Diego Comic-Con three weeks ago. Long story short, it was a work-filled, more or less sleepless, alcohol-infused 6-day bender of nerdiness. Long story even shorter, I had a blast.
Continue Reading “SUPER TIMELY BLOG POST ALERT! My Comic-Con experience in bits and pieces.”
