Wheat Thins Crunch Stix?!

Back in May, after substituting Wheat Thins for a more substantial lunch due to extreme busy-ness, I began a conversation on Twitter about crackers. My hypothesis: While the Wheat Thin might not be the best cracker in the world, it is undoubtedly the most addictive—in a good way, of course. Surprisingly, many of my followers on Twitter are—apparently—avid cracker fans and I was soon defending my position against suggestions like Cheez-Its (Too heavy!), Triscuits (Too hearty!), Pita Chips (They’re chips!) and Chicken in a Biskit (Too rich!). Make no mistake, all the suggestions I received were for tasty snacks and delicious crackers, but few—if any—rise to the level of addictiveness that Wheat Thins achieve.
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