I recently read Goats: Infinite Typewriters by Jonathan Rosenberg, a collection of his webcomic you can find at Goats.com. I thoroughly enjoyed the entire read and it’s lovely mix of high concept discussion and low brow ridiculousness, more so than I could describe in the brief post I imagined this being—the simple point is, whether I yammer on about it or not, you should read it. Rosenberg does an amazing job of using shorter syndicated style strips to weave intricate plot lines and running jokes into an amazingly satisfying read that really makes you feel as though you’ve earned every bit of enjoyment.
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Tag: webcomic
My ‘Adventure Time’ fan art comic strip
Ever since I saw the “Share Your Fan Art” button in the margin of the “Adventure Time” tumbleblog, I began plotting a super short comic strip to submit. I opted for a slightly crazed, Hulkin’ out Finn… and here it is!
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A canine sidekick in the fight against peanuts?!
Wow. I just got this crazy link sent to me by my good friend Jessica Mason and my mind is kind of blown.
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It’s coming…
The first “promo” images (known to many as “doodles”) for Enemy of Peanuts: The Webcomic, which—as the images say—is coming soon!

Now, an explanation:
As a guy who reads a butt-ton of comics, it’s pretty hard not to come up with an idea or two for some of my own panel-by-panel storytelling—Enemy Of Peanuts: The Webcomic is one such idea. EoP came to me as the name for a strip I could do based on a few ideas that had been kicked around by some close friends and myself back in college (former roommate Matt Misch and good buddy Frank Johnson stand out as people I recall discussing the idea with, though there are assuredly many more). Essentially, the story would be based loosely on me but more so on my allergy (peanuts! legumes!), and the original idea was almost entirely me fighting Mr. Peanut…constantly. The idea has evolved quite a bit since then (including the creation of the Enemy of Peanuts, who—though fictional—is twittering away already), as it had a comic appeal I couldn’t quite pass up, and I’ve now started laying down some of the over-arching plot outlines, fight scenes and such. It should be a lot of fun, so stay tuned.
As far as the art goes, I’m well aware that I am not an artist (I’d say “amateur cartoonist” at best), but years of doodling comics and characters in notepad margins shouldn’t go to waste! So, here, I am going to be tackling art duties on the strip…for now. In a perfect world, some amazing unknown artistic talent (Holy Shit! It could be you!) will stumble across my “strips” (read: storyboards) and offer his skills to make this hobby into a real cinematic adventure. Or, with luck, practice will make perfect and I’ll get kinda good. Who knows?!
That said, I’d love to get some feedback on the photoshop aid I’m using for the time being. The promo images above are all the same save a photoshop effect making them look, hopefully, better. I’d be insanely appreciative of anyone who’ll leave some comments about which effects you like better and which image-style has or would have you most excited to read the EoP’s adventures every week (or whatever the posting schedule ends up being for the strip).
That’s all for now. Thanks for stopping by and checking the early stages of Enemy Of Peanuts: The Webcomic out, and please, leave a little feedback
Follow the wandering peanut battler!
While this site will soon be home to a sprawling and mythic saga (stay tuned!), its hero’s journey can be followed right now on Twitter.
Check it out!—http://explore.twitter.com/EnemyOfPeanuts.
First glimpse…
When Han gets hungry on Hoth…

All I can remember about this concept is that the idea popped into my head during a content planning meeting and made me laugh—hard. Just picturing Han Solo licking his tauntaun here and there as he trudged through the snow (“Damn, this tastes so good…I can’t stop!”) or him defending his love of tauntaun taste (“You’re tauntaun won’t taste good anymore by the time you reach the first marker.” “Then I’ll see you IN HELL!”)…it all just cracked me up. Anyway, the “I thought they smelled bad on the outside” bit has been done by everyone under the sun, so here’s my version!
The Happiest Bat-man!
So, after reading and editing a ton of Staff Writer Steve Sunu’s Webcomics of the Week column, I’ve been hankering to start drawing some comics of my own. Now, I’m no artist and was always more of a doodler within the lined domain of my school notebook paper, but heck, I figure even doodles can convey some comedy!
Here’s two I did today in little spans of free time—both of these puppies can be clicked on and enlarged, by the way—I hope you enjoy them!

The first one sprung out of a conversation with Staff Writers Steve Sunu and Kevin Mahadeo—and Mahadeo is the man behind the Mobile vs. Mobile joke—so, credit where credit’s due. “Happy Bats” is all me and the idea of what little moments make a dark, mysterious hero truly happy just cracks me up. So, you’ll likely see a few more of these cropping up as I come up with them.