Hello again, fair readers! It’s time for a little less looking at words and a little more watching of videos! Straight from Wizard TV comes the newest of—what I like to call—The Alex and Jordan Adventures (actually, I think they called them that to me once and I just went with it…anyway…)! Watch till the end for a cameo appearance by one large, hairy, blogging simian-like someone you may recognize! Or, you could just watch it because it’s pretty fudgin’ funny!
Now that you’ve seen the hilarious might of Wizard TV, I’m sure you’re all aching for more. Well, fret not, Alex and Jordan have been cooking up some seriously comedic videos for a while that you may or may not have seen.
Here are some must-watch videos over at Wizard TV:
• Alex and Jordan head down to investigate some Dark Knight viral marketing…featuring hilarious antics!
• The Wizard World Philadelphia intro video. Good laughs and a cat!
Basically, you may have been checking out Wizard TV for our great interviews, but there’s some serious funny going on over there as well. And speaking of funny on Wizard TV, if you haven’t seen any of the animated Twisted ToyFare Theatres…well…get your butt over there and check’em out or you’re fired!!